Empower Your Parishioners with
24 / 7 Support

Our AI chatbot is entirely focused on enhancing member
care in Catholic Churches.

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How Church Chats Works

Our powerful AI chatbot service is designed to support multiple languages, allows parishioners to efficiently find relevant information, and deliver guidance tailored to their needs.


Built Specifically for Churches

Compared to other chatbots that give generic answers, Church Chats is built to answer questions around faith and is trained to be helpful, pastoral, and evangelizing.

Multilingual Support

Church Chats can effectively cater to the linguistic needs of the community. Parishioners can choose their preferred language at the start of the conversation and be able to change at any point in time.

Connection to a Human Representative

We believe that technology should assist, and not replace human connection. Parishioners are able to easily connect with a live customer care representative if needed. We seek out representatives who share the same goals as the parishioner, helping them grow closer in connection to God.

Cost Efficient

Say goodbye to costly phone call services. Church Chats is a cost-effective alternative, saving your church valuable resources without compromising on quality care and support.

Install Church Chats to your website in minutes

We understand how difficult it is to install new features on to your website. Don't worry, we designed the installation process to be as simple as possible.



Find the code snippet

View the code snippet for the chatbot installation.


Copy & paste

Copy the code snippet and paste it before the closing </body> tag on every page you want the widget to appear.


Deploy your website

And you're all set to go!

Ready to try Church Chats?

We have a free tier available to get you started right away.